Kio Изображение профиля


Назад к списку Добавлено 16 февр. 2022 г.

Participo en/ je participe à/ I participate in/ International Modern Art Exhibition2022に参加します。/

Period: March 1st (Tues)- March 6th (Sun)

09.30-17:30 *entrance until 17:00

 (final day 09:30-14:00 *entrance until 13:00)

 Place :Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 2F, No.3 and No.4 Exhibition room.

            8-36 Ueno Park, Taito-Ku, Tokio 110-0007

* it is strictly promised to bring the mask in your face all over the museum and must be measured the corporal temperature at the reception of i.m.a. for corona measures.

Mobile Tichet : You can enter into the i.m.a. exhibition room of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum ( showing the mobile ticket in your mobile phone at the reception of i.m.a., of which you can copy one attached bellow.

                                                          Mobile Ticket


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