Blue abstract, beauty of sea, world. Blue Yellow Art (2024) Peinture par Kazi Muhammed Taki


Voir plus de Kazi Muhammed Taki

L'artiste propose des oeuvres sur commande

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Vendeur Kazi Muhammed Taki

  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Peinture, Acrylique sur Toile
  • Dimensions Hauteur 36in, Largeur 48in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
  • Catégories Peintures à moins de 5 000 $US Abstrait Coloré
When creating an artwork, most of the processing stages are based on emotions and improvisation. Once the painting is completed, my sole goal is for each viewer to find their own story when looking at the artwork. Still, if one is interested to hear my perspective on the work, i tried to portray three aspects with this painting. It's an image[...]
When creating an artwork, most of the processing stages are based on emotions and improvisation. Once the painting is completed, my sole goal is for each viewer to find their own story when looking at the artwork. Still, if one is interested to hear my perspective on the work, i tried to portray three aspects with this painting. It's an image of the earth as seen from where I am standing now, which is far from the the world. There is a place where life exists, a green land. There is a place where my emotions are frozen and covered in snow. Where our hope is lost and where death is clear, there is a dead river. There is red-blooded larva that is enraged. There it is, the thought of our beautiful and mystifying planet earth that suddenly entered my disorganized head. Its a representation of an unwavering idea on time and the seasons. A storm in the sky is approaching, shedding with black clouds. There is winter and there is spring. Life is blessed because of the rain and lush greenery. And there, red-blooded human life does exist.
A container of creation. It strongly points the period of life.Sometimes I'm completely lost. But then, there is harmony. Life exists beside death. There is hope and there is darkness

Thèmes connexes

BlueColourColourfulAbstract ColourfulBlue

Traduit automatiquement
Né en 1999, Kazi Muhammed Taki est un artiste autodidacte issu d'une formation en sciences pharmaceutiques. Son art abstrait vibrant reflète sa conviction que le monde est un endroit coloré. En choisissant[...]

Né en 1999, Kazi Muhammed Taki est un artiste autodidacte issu d'une formation en sciences pharmaceutiques. Son art abstrait vibrant reflète sa conviction que le monde est un endroit coloré. En choisissant l'art abstrait comme médium, Taki apprécie la liberté qu'il offre, permettant aux spectateurs d'interpréter et de créer leurs propres histoires à partir de ses œuvres. Ses trois séries originales, « Boundaries », ; "Harbour Melody," et « Une usine vivante », » chacun raconte une histoire distincte à travers le prisme de l’expression abstraite. Ses œuvres entrelacent magnifiquement l’interdépendance de la nature, de la vie humaine et les nuances de la morale et de l’éthique.

Voir plus de Kazi Muhammed Taki

Voir toutes les œuvres
Acrylique sur Toile | 33x56 in
1 729,49 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 42x28 in
1 052,35 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 24x18 in
724,77 $US
Acrylique sur Panneau MDF | 28x22 in
1 392,39 $US


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