Portrait of Tatiana Tsapok (2009) Disegno da Alexandra Mertens

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Venditore Alexandra Mertens

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  • Opera d'arte originale Disegno, Inchiostro su Carta
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Portrait of Tatiana Tsapok, 2009, ink on paper, 42x30 cm A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Inchiostro Un liquido o una pasta[...]
Portrait of Tatiana Tsapok, 2009, ink on paper, 42x30 cm

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The versatility and creative power of Alexandra Mertens marks her as a supreme example of easel and monumental art master, as well as graphic artist. Alexandra Mertens was born in Kyiv. Graduated the[...]

The versatility and creative power of Alexandra Mertens marks her as a supreme example of easel and monumental art master, as well as graphic artist.
Alexandra Mertens was born in Kyiv. Graduated the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Faculty of Painting.
A member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
A significant early experience was participation in the painting of St. Michael’s Cathedral in Kiev, for restoration of which the best creative forces were attracted from all over Ukraine. Helped to recreate a former grandeur of interior decoration of the cathedral.
Alexandra Mertens is also known for creation of a series of artists’ portraits and posters for Plastic Drama Theatre on Pechersk (Kiev).
She developed a unique style in her paintings, characterized by purity of line and form. Numerous portraits and drawings exhibit a profound penetration of character.

‘The main subject of my art, that interests me the most is a man. Not a man consisting of molecules, but the whole Human Being, wonderful, lively, different, and creative, because every person is one of a kind creation, a unique expression of beauty.
Also I am interested in my profession, the way it has been for hundreds of years. I am interested in the absolute and truthful mastery, when the artist is able to transmit the whole world which he contemplates in a single line.”

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