Every Lighthouse Has a Story Arte digitale da Pine Singer

Carta per belle arti, 8x10 in

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  • Quest'opera è una "Open Edition" Arte digitale, Schizzo / Stampa digitale
  • Dimensioni Diverse taglie disponibili
  • Numerosi supporti disponibili (Carta per belle arti, Stampa su metallo, Stampa su tela)
  • Incorniciatura Framing disponibile (Cornice galleggiante + sotto vetro, Frame + Sotto vetro acrilico)
Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There's a human story at every lighthouse; that's the story I want to tell. ~Elinor Dewire Saugerties Light, known also as the Saugerties Lighthouse, is a lighthouse on the Hudson River north of Saugerties, New York. When it was built in 1869, it replaced[...]
Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There's a human story at every lighthouse; that's the story I want to tell.
~Elinor Dewire

Saugerties Light, known also as the Saugerties Lighthouse, is a lighthouse on the Hudson River north of Saugerties, New York.

When it was built in 1869, it replaced the earlier 1838 lighthouse. Its Coast Guard service was ended in 1954. It is currently managed by the non-profit Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy which purchased the lighthouse in 1986 and has restored it. The conservancy manages the nature trail leading to the lighthouse, offers two bed and breakfast rooms and public tours. A small museum displays artifacts of the original lighthouse and the restoration efforts, as well as the history of the Saugerties waterfront.
The lighthouse keeper of 1835 was Abraham Persons. He was paid $350 for the year. The US Coast Guard has identified Saugerties Light as one of its Historic Light Stations in New York.
Composed in Photoshop.

Temi correlati

Lighthouses"Historic Lighthouses""Saugerties Lighthouse"Landmarks"Hudson River"

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Welcome Though I have had formal training in the art of design, it has been through life's events that I have been most inspired. The profound experiences encountered in nature have been my mentors[...]

Though I have had formal training in the art of design, it has been through life's events that I have been most inspired. The profound experiences encountered in nature have been my mentors in creativity, as well as a few very special people along the way.
I study today not with a book or an instructor in a classroom, but rather in the quietude I find continually in nature, among the birds and wildlife of my area. The earth and its inhabitants are my guides, leading me to new adventures not noticed prior. The animals are trusting of me, knowing I will cause them no harm. I study the flowers and how the wind blows them, the wildlife and their movements, interactions, nesting habits, and the care of the young as they arrive. I examine the snows, and the leaves in autumn, as there is amazement with each season's change that I am fortunate enough to experience.
The artworks I create have an added dimension, one that only I know has been drawn upon. There are elements in each piece, that if one looks very closely, you will be sure to discover, just as I have discovered a brightly colored leaf resting under a foot of snow in January, untarnished by the temperatures of the winter in the mountains.
Feel free to browse. Please contact me with any questions or suggestions.

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