Gayane Karapetyan (Gaya) Изображение профиля

Gayane Karapetyan (Gaya)

Назад к списку Добавлено 9 февр. 2017 г.

Contemporary Art during Venice Carnival


суббота 11 февраль 2017
воскресенье 5 март 2017

Contemporary Art during Venice Carnival – Great news for my art lovers from Europe!

I am glad to share that I will be participating with my artwork Green Glass of Ocean in the upcoming international exhibition of contemporary art in Venice. The event takes place during this year’s famous Venice Carnival. AccorsiArte Gallery and I are delighted to invite you to this exceptional exhibition which takes place from February 11 to March 5, 2017. A number of remarkable artists across Europe and even broader will exhibit their best works curated by distinguished curator Dott.ssa Daniela Accorsi.

With this exhibition, AccorsiArte promotes a collective of great importance and sensational artistic quality paintings and sculptures by contemporary artists who continue to receive favorable acclaim from critics and people attentive and sensitive to the novelty of talent that is being proposed.



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