Œuvres à vendre

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Peinture intitulée "Naked thoughts" par Elvira Venko, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Châssis en bois
Naked thoughts - Peinture, 19,7x39,4 in ©2021 par Elvira Venko - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Portraits d’hommes, diptych portrait, masculine art, modern men, monochromatic color, minimalist design, young man in duo, home decor, bedroom art, living room decoration, artwork for office, statement piece, art for modern interiors, geometric shapes, art for men's spaces, living room accent, portrait in duplicate

Elvira Venko

"Naked thoughts"

Huile sur Toile | 19,7x39,4 in

2 986 $US
1 504 $US
Photographie intitulée "Founder" par Ronnell Macklin, Œuvre d'art originale, Photographie numérique
Founder - Photographie, 16x22 in ©2022 par Ronnell Macklin - Geometric, geometric-572, Portraits d’hommes, geometric, art, modern, men, unique, energy, mirror, dark, fantasy, cloak, reality, hands, location, dimension, standing, reaching, black, brown, clear, light

Ronnell Macklin


Photographie | 16x22 in

193 $US
Peinture intitulée "Such a different lo…" par Elvira Venko, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Châssis en bois
Such a different love - Peinture, 31,5x23,6 in ©2021 par Elvira Venko - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Portraits d’hommes, Realistic portrait, Young man, Minimalistic man portrait, Monochromatic male figure, Red and black and white, Contemporary boy figure, Relaxed pose artwork, Free gender, Feel relief, Man figure, Art for home and office, Wall art for living room, Artwork for dining room, Art for office walls

Elvira Venko

"Such a different love"

Huile sur Toile | 31,5x23,6 in

2 986 $US
1 504 $US
Impressions disponibles
Dessin intitulée "Portrait of Men" par Elena Lechic, Œuvre d'art originale, Crayon
Portrait of Men - Dessin, 11,7x8,3 in ©2007 par Elena Lechic - Figurative, figurative-594, Portraits d’hommes, Male Portrait, Realistic Portrait

Elena Lechic

"Portrait of Men"

Crayon sur Papier | 11,7x8,3 in

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