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Myriam Bollender

monaco, Mónaco
Artista (Pintura, Escultura)
Nacido en fecha desconocida

Membre academie Arts Sciences &lettres Paris
Membre academia nel mondo arte de Lecce
Membre AIAP Monaco auprès de L'Unesco
Galerie Boccara Art . Monaco
Galerie Martin Sauvage ...

The lights and landscapes of high Pyrenees, cradle of my childhood, opened my eyes and soul. Discovery, later,of th pictorial ,Art in all in all its components, such in cultural wave, strongly marked my being, waking new passions and with them, the great desire to paint and create. To many colors, materials,to assemblate, to structure, , and in the same moment, to create sphere of influences and forms, such ar my creeds. In intuitive, spontaneous sensibility, an irreparable need to express, to transmit,to suggest, and by the same, to arouse feelings, impressions, , felt, or mysteries and strenghs conjugate to affect hearts and souls such is my humble, but fascinated motivation.. Self taughlt, in perpetuel evolution, I try to express and look, the fragile balance between Beauty, for Mouvement, for Strengh and for Emotion

Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Myriam Bollender, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas monegascos contemporáneos. Dominios artísticos: Pintura, Escultura. Tipo de cuenta: Artista , miembro desde el 2014 (País de origen Mónaco). Compre los últimos trabajos de Myriam Bollender en Artmajeur: Myriam Bollender: Descubre impresionantes obras del artista contemporáneo. Explorar obras de arte, comprar obras originales o impresiones de alto nivel.

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