How is Artmajeur Protecting Artists Against Image Harvesting?

Protecting Artists Against Image Harvesting

At Artmajeur, the protection of our artists and their creations is our utmost priority. We are committed to providing a secure platform where artists can display and sell their work without fear of unauthorized access or use. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

What is image harvesting, and why is it a concern for Artmajeur?

Image harvesting refers to the automated extraction of images from a website using robots, scrapers, or other tools. This can lead to unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or sale of artists' works. Some companies also use scrapped images to train AI to generate new images. At Artmajeur, we value the creativity and rights of our artists, and we take strict measures to prevent such actions.

What measures are in place to prevent image harvesting on Artmajeur's website?

We use several techniques, including:

  1. Legal exclusion: Our Terms of service specifically forbid image harvesting. Any individual, or organization conducting image harvesting on our gallery would be committing an offence and shall be prosecuted accordingly to the full extent of the law. 
  2. Robot Exclusion Protocols: Preventing automated bots from accessing our site.
  3. Watermarking: Embedding visible or invisible watermarks on images to deter unauthorized use.
  4. Resolution Limiting: Offering only low-resolution previews of the images, with high-resolution versions available securely to legitimate buyers.
  5. User Behavior Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing user behavior to detect and block suspicious activities.

I am an artist on Artmajeur. How do these measures protect my work?

By implementing these measures, we reduce the risk of your artwork being stolen, copied, or misused. This ensures that your creative rights are respected and that you have control over how your work is distributed and sold.

Will these measures affect the experience for legitimate visitors and buyers?

While our primary focus is on protecting artists, we have designed these measures to be as transparent as possible to legitimate visitors. Our prevention techniques should not interfere with the typical browsing or purchasing experience.

I found my artwork on another site without my permission. What should I do?

If you discover unauthorized use of your artwork, please contact our support team immediately with the details. We take these matters seriously and will assist you in addressing the situation.

Can I opt-out of any of these protective measures?

No, the protective mesures are applied globally on the platform. While these measures are in place to protect your artwork, we understand that individual needs may vary. Please contact our support team to discuss your specific situation, and we will do our best to accommodate your request while maintaining the overall security of our platform.

How does Artmajeur stay up-to-date with security measures?

Our team constantly monitors the latest developments in cybersecurity and updates our protocols accordingly. This ensures that we are using the most effective methods to protect our artists' works.

Need help?

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